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Tesunho Newest 35W RF Power Amplifier TA-RPA01

Oct 27, 2022

What is Power Amplifier TA-RPA01?

TA-RPA01 is a lightweight RF power amplifier. Its main function is to amplify the two way radio’s power, so that the two way radio has a large power output to make the communication distance farther and clearer. With an input power 1-5 watts, output power 35 watts can be achieved.

The power amplifier TA-RPA01 is equipped with a half-duplex automatic transceiver circuit, which requires no peripheral control circuit.

Generally, Amplifiers can amplify power only, transmit and receiver can not be switched. However, our amplifier TA-RPA01 can realize the switching of transmit and receiver. TA-RPA01_副本.jpg

How to install Power Amplifier TA-RPA01? 


1. The two way radio connect the amplifier input port by feeder.

2. outdoor antenna connect the amplifier output port.

3. Connect the power supply

What is a power amplifier TA-RPA01 good for? 

1. Installing the amplifier can increase the analog radio output power to 35W and used as a small base station. It is flexible and convenient at the same time.

2. Working with dual mode radio (such as TH-680, TM-990) can extend the repeater working range.

It can be customized according to different needs and applications.


What are the precautions of power amplifier TA-RPA01 ?

1.The amplifier requires the voltage between 12V-17V, if voltage exceeds 17V, the device will be burned;

2. If the vehicle power supply is used, it is necessary to ensure a stable voltage.

3. The input signal power should be more than 1W, otherwise , it may cause the amplifier to fail to recognize and work.

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